Next up in our new blog series, shop helper Eleisha shares a book recommendation, with a few extra suggestions for enjoying her selection. Eleisha is a rapidly rising pop artist (under the name Hazel English) who met her producer while working at our Oakland store. We're glad to have been a part of her story!
1.) Book to read :
The Sirens of Titan - Kurt Vonnegut
2.) Place to read it:
Bike to Lake Merritt then sit where it’s grassy and you have a good view of the lake. Preferably at sunset. Don’t sit in duck poo.
3.) Music to read to:
Gregorian Chant Chillout Megamix on Youtube. Just trust me on this.
4.) Bag to carry it in :
I always carry whatever book I’m currently reading in my Book/Shop booksleeve because otherwise it gets wrecked in my backpack.
5. Library to borrow it from:
I borrowed it from the Oakland Public Library.
Thanks, Eleisha!